[Note: If you are on Fincent’s Starting, Growing, or Thriving plan, you’ll automatically find customer and vendor data from your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account in your Directory, along with a history of transactions with each.] 

  • Go to the Directory tab from the Fincent platform.   
  • Select the Customer/Vendor you want to edit from the Directory.   
  • Click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the Customer or Vendor's details page. [see below]  
  • Within the drop-down menu, click on the "Edit Detailsoption   



  • After selecting "Edit Details," the customers’ details become editable, allowing you to make changes.  
  • Edit any details you wish to edit for the customer, Name, email and addresses etc..  
  • Once you have edited all the details you wanted to add for a specific Customer, click on Save. 
  • And done! Your Customer or Vendor’s name will be changed across the product.